"Phenomenal film. Life-changing."
Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home is a new documentary by the award-winning filmmakers of The Witness. A story of transformation and healing, this groundbreaking new film explores the awakening conscience of several people who grew up in traditional farming culture and who have now come to question the basic premises of their inherited way of life.
Presented through a tapestry of memories, music, and riveting accounts of life-altering moments, the film provides insight into the farmers' sometimes amazing connections with the animals under their care, while also making clear the complex web of social, psychological and economic forces that have led them to their dilemma.
Interwoven with the farmers' stories is the dramatic animal rescue work of a newly-trained humane police officer whose sense of justice puts her at odds with the law she is charged to uphold.
With strikingly honest interviews and rare footage demonstrating the emotional lives and intense family bonds of animals most often viewed as living commodities, Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home shatters stereotypical notions of farmers, farm life, and perhaps most surprisingly, farm animals themselves.
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Director: Jenny Stein Producer: James LaVeck
Associate Producers: Eric Huang, Kevin Smith Featuring: Harold Brown, Howard Lyman, Willow Jeane Lyman, Cayce Mell, Jason Tracy, Cheri Ezell-Vandersluis and Jim Vandersluis
Musical score: Kevin Bartlett, Joy Askew