Fly-In to save lives is scheduled for June 20, 2010.
Pilots N Paws is having a fly-in on June 20th. There is a list of locations where pilots are coming from and flying back. The flights are free, completely volunteer, and all you will need to do is meet the pilot at the airport to pick up your animals!
The website for Pilots N Paws is www.pilotsnpaws. org
The list of locations are as follows:
-St. Augustine, FL
-Bessemer City, NC
-Emmitsburg, MD
-Lexington, KY
-Heath Springs,SC
-Flagstaff, AZ (flying commercially, could take small in cabin animal)
-Meansville, GA
-Midland, MI
-Chesapeake, VA
-Waxhaw, NC
-Knoxville, TN
-Williamsburg, VA
-Kansas City, MO
-Memphis, TN
-Baltimore, MD
-Norwalk, CT
-Gettysburg , PA
-Savannah, GA
-Chattanooga, TN
Their website is intended to be a meeting place for those who rescue, shelter or foster animals, and pilots and plane owners willing to assist with the transportation of animals. It is not the intent of Pilots N Paws to coordinate or arrange those providing these valuable services, but to provide the environment in which those involved can come together in a common place and arrange or schedule rescue flights, overnight foster care or shelter and all other related activities.
Website is http://pilotsnpaws.org/
Facebook is http://www.facebook.com/pilotsnpawsfanpage