A Sculpture (Fat Monkey) made from flip flops

Sculpture "Fat Monkey" in a park in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Oct. 15, 2010. The sculpture Fat Monkey, which was designed by the Dutch artist Florentjin Hofman, is made up with thousands of colorful chinelas.
A Sculpture (Fat Monkey) made from flip flops Seen On  www.coolpicturegallery.us
A Sculpture (Fat Monkey) made from flip flops Seen On  www.coolpicturegallery.us
A Sculpture (Fat Monkey) made from flip flops Seen On  www.coolpicturegallery.us
A Sculpture (Fat Monkey) made from flip flops Seen On  www.coolpicturegallery.us
A Sculpture (Fat Monkey) made from flip flops Seen On  www.coolpicturegallery.us
A Sculpture (Fat Monkey) made from flip flops Seen On  www.coolpicturegallery.us
A Sculpture (Fat Monkey) made from flip flops Seen On  www.coolpicturegallery.us
A Sculpture (Fat Monkey) made from flip flops Seen On  www.coolpicturegallery.us
A Sculpture (Fat Monkey) made from flip flops Seen On  www.coolpicturegallery.us