Bossy Duck Gives Duckling a Dunk

The little duckling wanted to explore the world. Straying too far from his family, another mother duck swam into action, and to teach him a safety lesson. Read more:

A bossy duck grabs a naughty duckling by the leg at a wetlands park in Oregon.
Bossy Duck Gives Duckling a Dunk Seen On

The duckling quacks for help as it's taught a lesson by the bossy duck.
Bossy Duck Gives Duckling a Dunk Seen On

The bossy duck completes its short sharp lecture before handing the duckling back into the care of its mother.
Bossy Duck Gives Duckling a Dunk Seen On

Help! The duckling cries as the bossy duck raises her head out of the water.
Bossy Duck Gives Duckling a Dunk Seen On
Source: dailymail