Hippo on the Run

It happened last January in a small European country Montenegro. 11-year-old female hippo Nikica escaped from the private zoo she used to live in for the past nine years. It was an accidental escape that happened during a flood. The hippo who lived in the backyard swam over the fence into the streets of the town. 9 days later Nikica came back home.

Hippo on the Run Seen On www.coolpicturegallery.us

Hippo on the Run Seen On www.coolpicturegallery.us

Hippo on the Run Seen On www.coolpicturegallery.us

Hippo on the Run Seen On www.coolpicturegallery.us

Hippo on the Run Seen On www.coolpicturegallery.us

Hippo on the Run Seen On www.coolpicturegallery.us

Hippo on the Run Seen On www.coolpicturegallery.us